dossey dossey
Inner Healing Resources


Barbara Dossey, R.N., M.S.

What else do you do early on with your clients?

In evaluating their current situation I look at three factors:

1) What is the problem or the disease state?

2) What are the internal healing resources that they think they have?

3) What are the external healing resources?

Examples: treatments, procedures, medications, families and friends. Do they perceive those treatments as totally harmful where they're going to get side effects, lose hair, become weak...or do they believe the treatment will be curative?

I ask them, "What makes your world come alive? What do you do in your free time? Who are the important people in your life? Do you have any crafts or hobbies?" I'm not just interested in knowing that they work and have three kids. Many people think they don't have anything going for them, but as we talk, I am picking up on their inner resources that they often don't even know about. I focus on strengths not their weaknesses.

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