Gersten Gersten
Military - P.O.W. Survival Guide


Dennis Gersten, M.D.

Mental Home Base

Developing a Mental Home Base will aid you immeasurably in all times of stress. Before I tell you how to create that, let's take a minute to look at how the average mind works.

Most of us have about 5 random thoughts per 30 seconds. That translates into 10 thoughts per minute . . . 600 per hour. As a P.O.W. you could easily spend sixteen to twenty hours a day with nothing but your own mind to protect and entertain you. And that translates into 9,600 to 12,000 random thoughts per day!

Chances are that Saddam is going to do his best to make those 9,600 thoughts rather upsetting and negative . . . to say the least. I am not about to propose a lesson in positive thinking. Rather I want to help you come up with your own Home BaseŅa mental state that you can come back to over and over again no matter what is happening to you. These techniques are intentionally simple. But don't be deceived by their simplicity. They come out of my sixteen years as a doctor. They're proven . . . they work. All I ask is that you keep an open mind. What I hope to help you accomplish through this program is for you to learn to turn on your imagination. Your imagination will be your greatest ally.

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