Step 2: Quiet Down Your Mind

The average person has about ten thoughts in one minute. That doesn't sound like much, but if we have ten hours a day when our minds are not focused on a task, we have about 10,000 thoughts. If you're like most people, at least half of those thoughts are negative. That's about 5,000 negative thoughts a day. If you're the anxious type, those thoughts run like this: "What's going to happen next? Will I make it? Can I please my family?" Or if you're more of the depressed type, your thoughts might run like this: "I deserve this illness. I feel so worthless because I have cancer. My husband or wife is probably thinking of leaving me. They should leave me." Your mind may be working against you. . . adding to your anxiety, fear or depression. . . to the tune of 5,000 thoughts a day.

What you need is a technique to help you turn that around, a tool that makes your mind your friend and not your enemy. You need a Mental Focus Tool, one that is designed specifically for you and by you and consists of a Focus Word and a Focus Image. By concentrating on your Focus Tool, you are able to dramatically reduce the number of thoughts per day and begin to eliminate anxious and depressed thoughts. And when you can reduce the number of those negative thoughts, you will brighten your spirits and be more in control of your life.

Here's how to create and use your Focus Word. Think of something that brings you the greatest sense of hope, peace or inspiration imaginable. Now create a word or short phrase out of that. Your Focus Word should be between two and nine syllables. Here are some examples: Pacific Ocean...Golden Eagle...Loving Lord.

Practice your Focus Word by mentally saying the first half of the word or phrase as you inhale and mentally saying the second half as you exhale. Do this for several minutes two or three times a day. Whenever you feel anxious, or feel that your mind is running you around, take a minute to practice your Focus Word. Next begin to "see" a visual image in your mind's eye that corresponds to your Focus Word. If you think of your mind as a garden, then the Focus Tool helps you weed the garden, weed out those 10,000 thoughts per day. . . which gets you ready for step 3.

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