morse morse
Guiding Children Through Imagery


Barbara Morse, R.T.R., C.T.R.S.

Although my guided imagery adventures are varied and eclectic, when done in a group the bedtime routine is personalized and individual. The bedtime imagery serves several purposes. It helps the kids let go of the anxiety, fear and anger built up over the day. It helps them let go of the struggles in daily living. And it helps them relax so they can sleep comfortably without night terrors and nightmares.

"Can we do the crystal now?" When I hear those words, I know it's time for the Lightfall imagery. The crystal I use to facilitate the imagery is a very special prop given to me by a loving, caring friend. The crystal imagery begins with my holding the crystal on the childŐs forehead, above and between the eyebrows (corresponding to the area known in the Far East as the third eye). I have tried bringing the crystal light through the top of the children's heads, having them visualize that it was a star pouring light into their heads. But so many of them requested that the crystal be placed on their foreheads, I had to believe that was the right point of contact.

The crystal is full of wonderful, positive energy. It pours the energy into your head, like a beautiful waterfall of light...a "lightfall." The light may be white or golden or rainbow-colored. It pours into your head and down over your face, relaxing your eyes, your nose, your cheeks, your forehead, your mouth. It flows to your throat where there are lumps...lumps of tears that were not cried, lumps of words you said and wished you hadn't, or words you wanted to say, but couldn't. The light melts the lumps, and they flow away, opening your throat so you can breathe evenly and comfortably. Then it flows to the back of your neck where there are knots, that make you feel tight and tense. The light unties the knots and sends them flowing like many colored ribbons into the sky. Child

Now the light flows to your chest. It touches your heart, which may feel closed and heavy, and opens it. As your heart opens, butterflies of love fly out to touch the hearts of others, and their butterflies of love flutter into your heart and fill it with love and beauty.

The light flows to your Center. There are hard, burning coals of anger. They are red and hot, and make you hurt. But as the "lightfall" touches them, they begin to cool. They turn pink and soft, and flow, cooling your anger and filling you with calm, tranquility and forgiveness.

Now the light flows to that place where you hold on to all the things that you don't need. It is like a stagnant pool of water, filled with debris...old junk you don't want and would like to replace. The light opens the dam that holds it there, and the water flows, washing the junk away, replacing the stagnant pool with a clear stream of refreshing ideas, new things to try.

At last, it is time to open the cages where the scary things live. They are deep, deep inside you, squeezing and kicking and pounding at you. They are dark, shadowy monsters. But you have the light, and as you shine the light into the cages, the monsters of fear change. Some disappear, like dark shadows do when you turn on the light, and some are transformed into angels and beautiful thoughts. You are feeling free, brave, courageous and safe. Now the light flows through you, and you flow with it, feeling it from your toes to your head, and back down your arms and out your fingertips. You are full of love and joy, beauty and warm, comfortable feelings. You are relaxed, and ready to drift off to sleep, flowing with the light, dreaming gentle dreams.

If I have any doubt about the effect, validity or success of this imagery, it is quickly dissolved in the bedtime hugs of these little people. With great trust and the absolute angelic innocence of the idyllic child the fiercest, most aggressive, or most withdrawn child reaches his and her arms up for the final bedtime hug. Sometimes they drop right off to sleep. Other times they share special thoughts, feelings, hopes, and dreams with me. The traumas, struggles and memories of the day, or of other days in the past are put to rest, at least for this little time.

Barbara Morse, R.T.R., C.T.R.S., an expressive arts therapist, is the creator of Squnch, a collection of myths and metaphors used in the treatment of emotionally disturbed children. Squnch is inner imagery and play (which is outer imagery).

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