people people
Dealing with Difficult People


Dennis Gersten, M.D.


Of course, there is the possibility that you feel completely trapped by your very own difficult person. You're in a job where you're not allowed to express how you feel in any way and if you do, you'll be fired. And you've been looking for a new job but can't find one. You're just trapped.

You'll still benefit greatly by working all the steps I've described. You might need to do two more things: 1) Picture the cage that you're trapped in. Feel the walls or bars and stay with the feeling you experience in that cage. When you're ready, find a way out of the cage. You'll be one step closer to getting out of the inner prison that the difficult person put you in. 2) Make sure you are finding ways to ventilate your anger. If you can't do it at work, scream in your car or go home and scream into a pillow. When you feel trapped, the anger that builds up can be deadly so be aware of it and let it go in an appropriate way.

What's the point of all this? Why can't you just smack them on the nose and be done with it? The point is that we can use adversity to learn more about ourselves. That doesn't mean we have to tolerate being abused. In fact, the challenge we face may mean that we have to get tough, set firm limits and not allow ourselves to be walked on. But we can use these situations as a mirror, a reflection of ourselves. When we un-mask them, we un-mask ourselves. When we stop judging them, we stop judging ourselves . . . and, in the process, we become more open, loving, happy and whole.

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