energy energy


Dennis Gersten, M.D.

Lower the Output of Energy

Lowering energy output doesn't just mean avoiding jogging a marathon every day. There are three areas in which we waste energy every day...usually unknowingly. We waste money, time and food. I do not wish to dampen anybody's hopes and efforts for prosperity...but part of the process of making money involves knowing when you are needlessly spending it. Do these following three exercises one after the other.

energy Allow an image to emerge which represents ways in which you are wasting money.

How are you wasting time? Imagine this time waste.

How are you wasting food? You may be wasting it by eating too much of it.

Each of these three relates to energy. After these imageries you may find ways to eliminate actions that are depleting. Now we have one more energy imagery.

Allow an image to emerge that shows you how you can better utilize your energy. Now picture yourself as a large container of energy. Notice how the energy flows in your body. Does the energy seem to leak out anywhere?

Energy is one of the most complex issues in life. Energy reflects the integration of our body, mind and spirit. It reflects the absence or presence of meaning in life. It reflects physical illness. It reflects how we are using our time, money and food. And it reflects whether our thoughts are concentrated or scattered.

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