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Military - P.O.W. Survival Guide


Dennis Gersten, M.D.

Focus Word

You will use your Focus Word as your Mental Home Base. It will be a Word that you can come back to over and over again and thereby stay centered and as stress-free as possible.

Here's how you create your Focus Word:

Think of something that gives you the greatest degree of hope, inspiration, love and tranquility as is possible. That something might be a person, a place in nature, an event, God or a Higher Power. Try to select the most positive word you canÑnot a word that you have mixed feelings about.

Now you'll want to convert that initial word into two or more syllables. For example:

"Pacific Ocean" . . . "Higher Power" . . . or "Lord God." Of course, each religion has it's own name for God. Use what is nearest and dearest to your heart.

Now here's how you use your Focus Word. As you inhale, silently say the first half of your word or phrase. As you exhale, silently say the second half. Take a moment and try that.

Your Focus Word will be of immeasurable help to you. Here's how to use it . . . if you are a P.O.W. Spend five or ten minutes every few hours concentrating on your Focus Word. You may have other thoughts. Just let them pass in and out while you concentrate on your Focus Word.

Those five minute periods will really help ingrain a sense of security . . . a Home Base. But I would encourage you to use your Focus Word throughout the day. Keep it going so it almost becomes background music for you. The more you do it, the easier it will be to remember it, and the better you'll feel.

You will want to integrate your Focus Word into your daily survival plan. Come back to it over and over again. Your mind will be greatly strengthened and it will not be possible for the enemy to knock you so far off center that you can't find "Center" anymore. For more details on creating your "focus word," check out our "Meditation" page on page 1 on this Web site. Check out "mantra meditation."

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