romance romance
Pain or Fear - Overwhelming


Dennis Gersten, M.D.

Begin by getting in touch with the variety of bodily sensations you have . . . the feeling of your body on the chair, couch, bed or floor . . . the feeling of your clothing on your skin . . . the temperature of the air . . . the rising and falling of your diaphragm. Notice areas of comfort and areas of discomfort.

Allow all these different physical sensations to arise . . . and dissolve. As you bring your awareness to these sensations, you will see that they change. Even the pain or fear sensations will arise, change and dissolve when you bring your awareness to it.

pain Most of us have a way of closing around the pain. Imagine that there is a fist closed around the pain or fear. Examine the fist and then begin to allow the fingers to open one at a time until the pain is resting in the palm of that hand . . . until you are really down to the original pain. The body reacts to pain. Muscles cramp around it. But now allow yourself to feel the original pain, the original fear, the one at the center before you tightened around it.

And allow those sensations to arise, change and dissolve. Simply observe. Make no effort to make the pain go away. As the pain sensations arise and dissolve, notice the thoughts, feelings and images that pass through your consciousness. Observe them also in the same way. Your awarenesss is simply penetrating and exploring the pain.

After awhile the pain or fear may just seem to float or take on a new characteristic. Continue to observe the sensations. Imagine that you are continuing to open to the pain over and over again.

Now become aware that pain or fear has two qualities: 1) discomfort and 2) energy. Yes, pain is a form of energy. Allow the energy of the pain to move up into your head as if it is charging the batteries of your mind or spirit. Continue to observe the pain. Continue to let the energy part of the pain rise out of it. Notice how you may want to utilize this pain energy. Perhaps you can use it to sharpen your concentration or to take you into a deep meditation.

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