pain pain
Pain - Mild to Moderate


Dennis Gersten, M.D.

In my experience this simple technique cuts the pain in half in almost all cases, whether dealing with fractured spine, cancer pain or degenerative arthritis. But here are a couple of things that can throw you off track. On two occasions I have worked with people who were able to visualize the pain, liquify the pain and begin to let it roll out of their body. But the liquid would get stuck. It would end up in a knee or elbow and no amount of imagery would let the pain flow out. In both cases I discovered these people had severe emotional issues going on. One of them said, I might as well kill myself, when the pain wouldn't flow out of her.

Recently I worked with a man who had pagoda-shaped pain across his shoulders. It was hard as a rock and would not be liquified. It could be moved a little but that was it. At that point I moved to an Etiologic technique (Listening to Your Symptom) and had him begin to dialogue with his pain. The pain wanted two things from him: more attention and rest. In exchange the pain agreed to let up . . . and it did.

I use this three-step technique as my first line of mental treatments for pain. It helps about 95% of pain patients I have worked with and frequently totally eliminates pain.

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