
Foreword by Larry Dossey, M.D.
Experiences of Spirit in a Secular World
Finding Meaning in Your Own Miracle

Part I:
Opening the Mind to Spirit

1Opening to the Possibilities
A Powerful Mystical Experience
Psychic Beginnings
A Spiritual Teacher Remakes a Psychiatrist
Illness: A Doctor Learns Compassion the Hard Way

2Twenty-Five Spiritual Questions Psychiatrists Are Afraid to Ask

3A Day in the Life of a Spiritual Psychiatrist
Guided Imagery

4The Healing Power of Human Values
Psycho-Spiritual Assessment

5Your Mental Fitness Program

6Belief Medicine
Shamanism and Sorcery
Eastern Healing Systems
Universal Healing Principles
Folk Medicine of the American Tribe
Mixed Messages About Healing

7Getting Conscious About Consciousness
The Language of Consciousness
Kundalini: A Great Masquerader

Part II:
The Lost Mind

8What is the Mind?
Organic Brain Syndromes: When the Chemistry Isn't Right
Schizophrenia: When the Brain and Mind Drive Each Other Crazy
Mania: When the Brain Goes on Overdrive
Borderline Personality: When Spirit and Mind Collide
Multiple Personality Disorder: When Dividing Is Surviving

9When the Spirit Can Help the Mind
Depression: When the Past Won't Let Go
Anxiety Disorders: When the Future Takes Over
Neurosis and Suffering: When the Same Troubles Haunt You

Part III:
Getting Enlightened

10Higher States of Consciousness
Out-of-Body Experiences
Deathbed Experiences
Healing Trances
Identity Transformations

11Visual Paranormal Experience
Visions Versus Hallucinations
Visions of the Departed
Ghosts and Hauntings
Psychic Attack and Spirit Possession
Artistic Hallucinations
The Human Aura

12Extrasensory Perception
ESP of Sound
ESP of Smell
ESP of Empathy

Mind-Body Miracles
The Power of Prayer
God's Invisible Hand

Part IV:
Tools for Transformation: Making Your Own Miracles

14Spiritual First Aid
How to Recognize the Real Inner Voice
How to Diagnose Your Own Miracles
Practicing Forgiveness

15Spiritual Emergency: Opening the Door to Change
Anxiety as Spiritual Emergency
Depression as Spiritual Emergency
Pain as Spiritual Emergency
Marital Problems as Spiritual Emergency
Confusion and Panic as Spiritual Emergency
Crisis in Faith as Spiritual Emergency

16Facing the Void: How Profound Emptiness Is Cured
Exploring the Void
Divine Assistance
Reaching the Bottom of the Void
Transforming the Bottom of the Void
The Inner Abuser

Appendix A: Mental Fitness Techniques
MFT Listing
MFT by Human Value

Appendix B: Resources
Recommended Reading
Cutting the Ties: The Work of Phyllis Krystal
Academy for Guided Imagery (AGI)
Atlantis, the Imagery Newsletter


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Home Cutting The Ties That Bind Beliefs That Heal
Atlantis The Imagery Newsletter      Are You Getting Enlightened or Losing Your Mind?