What do I do with my feelings?

1. Yell, scream, cry in your car on the way home. But watch out for the traffic.

2. Get a pillow when you get home and cry, yell into it. Or beat the pillow. You don't have to stay in control.

3. Get someone to listen to you, to support you. If you belong to a support group, reach out to them and let them reach out to you. If you have nobody, ask your doctor if he or she can suggest somebody to talk to . . . today.

4. Many people find it useful to imagine that with every breath they are breathing in and out of the pain. You may experience your feelings in your head as well as in your body. Breathe in and out of the pain, the fear, the sadness, the confusion.

5. If you prefer to handle this on your own, that's OK too. If you need to be alone, be alone.

6. Remember you don't have to solve anything today. You have time to explore your feelings, re-group, ask your doctor questions.


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