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Military - P.O.W. Survival Guide


Dennis Gersten, M.D.

Overcome Boredom

As a P.O.W. you will have a lot of time to kill . . . time that could be spent running those 9,600 to 12,000 thoughts that we spoke about earlier. You're not going to have a lot of entertainment facilities provided by "you know who." You must learn to entertain yourself through the power of your own imagination. Some might call this technique Escape. What better time in life to escape.

The power of imagination is infinite. Here is one tool of imagination to help you overcome boredom. Once you get the idea about imagery, it will help you enormously in passing time in a creative and productive way.

Let's Go to Disneyland. No, I am not being hired by Disneyland to say that. The idea came to me because of the enormous variety there.

Imagine you are walking into Disneyland. If you've never been there, picture some other amusement park. Listen to the laughter in the air. The laughter of children. Listen to the whir of rides going around. Smell the air-the hot dogs, the cotton candy, the popcorn.

And then feel yourself climb aboard your favorite ride. In your inner eye, picture each twist and turn...feel your body moving this way and that.

Then go get a Coke and feel the cool sweetness...or are you the Pepsi type? Bring all your senses to bear and bring the experience to life.

There is no correct way to do imagery. Don't get frustrated if you don't see things clearly. Maybe you are the kind who hears or senses . . . feels or touches. Everyone does imagery all the time. This is an exercise in focusing a part of our minds that is already there. It's like taking a magnifying glass and focusing the rays of the sun. The sun is always there. Imagery is always there. It's just a question of tapping into it.

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