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Military - P.O.W. Survival Guide


Dennis Gersten, M.D.

Master Stress

All the techniques you've learned so far will help you overcome stress. They will help you get in touch with your most positive thoughts and images. And your Focus Word will give you a solid Home Base from which to operate your Mental WarFare.

But how to deal with painful feelings? Fear, anxiety, depression. This is a complicated issue. I am suggesting one very simple technique. There are many techniques to help here but I want to keep things as simple as possible . . . so that you can remember most of what is in this booklet. Here's how to work with the "Magic Box."

Picture a box outside yourself . . . a good sized box. Make it out of wood...or metal. . . or anything you like. Decorate it anyway you like. As painful feelings arise, imagine that you simply throw those feelings into the box. You can imagine you pour those feelings, as if they are a liquid that can leave your body. Pour them all into the box. Place this box anywhere you like in your room of confinement. Got the idea?

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