Romance - The Secret Key

Now let's look at a couple of techniques to help you with romance:

1. Check out Imagery #13 on Prosperity and Abundance. Use that imagery to help you become more open to the possibilities that many of us unconsciously wall off from ourselves.

2. Examine any resistance you may have to romance and marriage. How much of you wants romance and marriage? 100 percent? 90 percent? 50 percent?

Get in touch with that part of yourself that is not fully committed to romance or marriage - that 5, 10, 25, 50 percent of yourself. Allow an image to emerge from your unconscious mind that represents that resistance to romance and marriage.

Once you have seen, heard, touched that image of resistance, you will immediately have more information about how to proceed and about what obstacles you may be putting in your own way. For example, when I asked one patient of mine to get in touch with whatever was her resistance to romance, she immediately saw and felt her elbows being pulled back into the chair as if drawn by ropes. She then had to work with those ropes in her mind.

You'll want to talk with that image of resistance. Give it a voice. Ask it what it wants and needs from you. Ask it if it is afraid of anything.

3. If you have a strong spiritual orientation, try out this prayer:

"Dear Lord, I want a wife (or husband). I surrender this wish to You, knowing that only You know who is right for me. I surrender all my ideas about what he or she should look like, act like, etc. What do I know? I hope she's not ugly, but if that is Your Will, then I surrender to that. Please guide me in finding the Divinely-chosen partner. Help me put my ego aside so that You can easily guide me. Let my eyes be open so I can recognize Your Will."

So if you really want a marriage that works, open yourself to the possibilities of abundance, examine your resistance to love and marriage, pray. Forget everything Hollywood ever sold you and told you about romance. They're selling for money, not for truth. Try to let God into the equation as far as you possibly can. Marriage is a sacred bond, a vow before God . . . and finding your partner will be a Divine experience if You surrender your programmed ideas about marriage and let the Supreme Will help you. If you don't like the word God, substitute the word Love (with all the highest meaning you can give that word). Let Love be your guide.

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