Step 4: Overcome Pain

There are a variety of symptoms related to cancer that you may have to face, symptoms related directly to the cancer, to chemotherapy or to radiation therapy. Because pain is a frequent complaint, you'll want to learn a simple technique to help you cope with this common problem. But before we do that, here's a little story. . . a true story. An African tribesman had confronted a lion as part of his tribal ritual. The tribesman didn't fare too well in the struggle and lost an arm. Yet even as he spoke with the doctor, with his arm ripped off, he was in bright spirits and not complaining of pain. Why? The tribesman felt emotionally victorious for having confronted the lion and so the pain didn't bother him. The brain and mind have everything to do with how we respond to pain. With that said, here is a brief technique.

Focus your attention on your pain or discomfort and imagine that the pain has a certain size, color and texture. Allow that colored pain to turn into a liquid. . . and then allow the liquid pain to roll down to the nearest hand or foot. Now let the liquid pour right out of your body.

Does that sound too easy? Many people using this technique, even for the first time, have had wonderful results. It may not reduce your pain to zero but it is LIKELY to help! The more you use it the more effectively it will work for you. You can also use this technique for nausea.

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